Sam Delgado, male 34 years old, describes his Successful Experience at Evolution Hair Centers.
New Product Spotlight: ER-610 LE
November 2010– Introducing the Evolution ER-610 LE Hair Growth Laser, the most powerful intensive hair therapy laser on the market. The ER-610 LE features some of the most advanced features to naturally regrow your hair back thicker than ever! Its never been easier to operate a laser due to the user friendly interface. The LE comes […]
Hair Loss Product Spotlight: Ana-Growth Nutrient
This month we are featuring the Evolution Ana-Growth Hair Supplement. An important daily natural hair growth supplement that balances the body and keeps your hair healthy and shiny. Contains essential hair stimulating vitamins such as Biotin, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and Grape Seed Extract. It is important for hair loss sufferers looking to at least maintain […]
Spencer Forrest X5 Laser Reviewed by William Gaunitz
I have reviewed numerous handheld lasers on the market. After seeing thousands of clients come through the Evolution, I did not see any handheld unit besides the Erchonia THL-1 Laser that actually worked well enough to carry in our clinics. Most commercially available handheld lasers only use 5 – 9 unfocused diffuse light diodes. This simply means that […]
Evolution Hair Centers Reviews Website features Client posted Results
Evolution Hair Centers Reviews Website features Client posted Results Evolution Hair Centers new reviews site located at allows clients to post their own online reviews and related articles regarding their Evolution Hair Regrowth experience. Check out Evolution Hair Centers Reviews and post your comments or video today!
Steroids, HGH and Hair Loss
In the past few years we’ve seen the news coverage spotlight of professional athletes and their use of steroids and human growth hormone(HGH). While we now all know the damage that these chemicals can cause to the body (liver damage, high blood pressure, extreme aggression), many individuals simply don’t know the major increase of hair loss […]
Female Hair Loss on the Increase
In a recent report published by a United Kingdom Hospital Group, more than a third of 25 to 35-year-old females are currently suffering from hair loss. “In our culture, hair is bound up in notions of womanhood and sexual attractiveness. Plus, we live in such an appearance-driven society that our looks often become one of the […]
William Gaunitz, founder of Evolution Hair Centers, seen on Sonoran Living LIVE
William Gaunitz, founder of Evolution Hair Centers, seen on Sonoran Living LIVE Show Overview: Women’s hair is a representation of their underlying general heath. The condition of women’s hair can give the signs of underlying nutritional and hormonal conditions. In many cases inherited Female Pattern Hair Loss is the primary cause of a woman’s hair […]
Hair Shedding Tips for the Fall
Now that fall is here, below are a few tips on how to maintain a healthy scalp to prevent excessive shedding from occurring… Healthy Lifestyle for Hair Loss ControlDietA strong diet will help you maintain the “inner ecology” your body needs to function properly and to eliminate hair loss and promote hair growth. To avoid any kind of […]
Pantene hair loss complaints escalate
There has been a buzz for years in regard to the Procter and Gamble product Pantene Pro-V causing hair loss. Recently, A devastated 19 year old administrative assistant says that her hair literally broke off at the roots after using Pantene Pro-V shampoo. According to Sophie Peppercorn of Perbourough, England, her hair fell out in clumps after […]