Evolution only offers the best in Laser Hair Therapy to its clients. There are so many treatments for hair loss on the market today, it is hard to know what will work best for you. You can leave that to us. We only offer two laser hair therapy solutions because it is our opinion that these two solutions are best in the world for the beautification of the hair.

ER610 In-Clinic Laser Treatments
Only Available at any Evolution Hair Centers or Evolution Hair Centers’ affiliate clinics, the Evolution Series ER610 Clinical Laser Device for Cosmetic use offers second to none hair rejuvenation results for the full spectrum of hair types for both men and women.

ER610 – Custom Laser Settings
Many laser devices only offer one type of intensity level or treatment duration for every client. This leaves the client at risk of getting too much laser or simply not enough.
- The ER610 Laser has compensated for this by including 4 treatment settings suitable for any client type.
- Evolution also has two different treatment protocols for both Light and Dark Hair. Dark hair usually requires less laser stimulation due to the light attraction nature of the dark pigmentation of the hair shaft. Where as light blonds typically require almost double the laser of a dark hair individual due to the reflection of the lighter pigmentation of the hair shaft.
- Evolution knows how to treat both client types and has the best tools in the world to accomplish it.
ER610 – More Scalp Coverage
Many laser devices only treatment the top of the scalp where hair loss is most common. Yet many individuals have lost hair on the side of the scalp, temporal points, or in the lower crown area. The Evolution ER610 Laser device was designed with all client type in mind. The Evolution ER610 Laser is actually 11 inches deep and can accommodate even the largest needed coverage area. All areas except below the occipital ridge can be bathed in light dependent upon the needs of each client.